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[스크랩] 댈러스 연준은행이 보여주는 셰일오일 둔화 쇼크

wisstark 2019. 1. 13. 19:13

 댈러스 연방준비은행 조사에 따르면 셰일오일 사업활동지수가 

작년 3분기 43.3에서 4분기 2.3으로 떨어졌답니다.

 지수가 0 초과면 사업활동이 증가세란 뜻이지만 감소폭이

매우 커서 활동이 심대히 줄어들었단 얘기죠.

 원유 생산 지수도 동기간 34.8에서 29.1로 줄었습니다.


 유전서비스업체 장비 이용 지수도 동기간 43에서 1.6으로 

폭락 했구요.

 유전서비스업체 고용 지수 또한 동기간 31.7에서 17.5로



 유전서비스업체 슐럼버거와 헬리버튼은 작년 3분기에

파이프라인 이용 한계와 유정 생산성 문제, 자본 고갈이

셰일오일 생산 감소를 이끌고 있다 했는데 3분기인 

9월초엔 서부텍사스산중질유 가격이 70달러대였죠.

 그리고, 댈러스 연준은행 조사에 따르면 원유·가스회사 

경영진의 53%가 최근 유가 하락으로 올해 자본 지출을

줄이려 한다고 대답 했다네요.

 New Data Suggests Shocking Shale Slowdown


 A survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas finds that shale activity 

slammed on the brakes in the fourth quarter. “The business activity index—

the survey’s broadest measure of conditions facing Eleventh District energy 

firms—remained positive, but barely so, plunging from 43.3 in the third 

quarter to 2.3 in the fourth,” the Dallas Fed reported on January 3.

 The 2.3 reading is only slightly positive – zero would mean that business 

activity from Texas energy firms was flat compared to the prior quarter. 

 A negative reading would mean a contraction in activity.

 The oil production index fell from 34.8 in the third quarter to 

29.1 in the fourth. The natural gas production index to 24.8 in the fourth 

quarter, down from 35.5 in the prior quarter.

 But even as production held up, drilling activity indicated a sharper slowdown 

was underway. The index for utilization of equipment by oilfield services firms 

dropped sharply in the fourth quarter, down from 43 points in the third quarter 

to just 1.6 in the fourth – falling to the point where there was almost no growth 

at all quarter-on-quarter.

 The employment index fell from 31.7 to 17.5, suggesting a “moderating in both 

employment and work hours growth in the fourth quarter,” the Dallas Fed wrote. 

Labor conditions in oilfield services were particularly hit hard.

 Schlumberger and Halliburton warned in the third quarter of last year that 

shale companies were slowing drilling activity. Pipeline constraints, well 

productivity problems and budget exhaustion was leading to weaker drilling 


 In fact, roughly 53 percent of the oil and gas executives that responded to the 

Dallas Fed’s survey said that the recent drop in oil prices caused them to lower 

expectations for capital spending in 2019.


<미국 원유 시추기수 추이>

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