Dear Reader,
Stop whatever you’re doing and get a pen.
Now go to your calendar and circle the following date…

Before I explain, let me introduce myself.
My name is Jim Rickards and I’m an economist and best-selling author.
I’ve spent the last 35 years building a career in risk analysis. In fact, I’ve personally been called in to advise the CIA, the Pentagon and the other agencies that oversee our national security.
I’m telling you this because, when there’s a massive threat to our money… our markets… or the world economy… it’s often my phone that rings.
Lately it’s been ringing a lot…
For months now, you might have seen or heard me give this same warning about the dollar… and what it could mean for American investors on Fox News, CNBC, CNN and Bloomberg …
Or maybe you’ve read about it in my latest book, “The New Case For Gold.”
More times than I can count, I’ve laid out the case about how our reckless Fed, the rise of digital cash, and our global currency wars… are already enough to destroy the U.S. dollar… and send gold soaring to $10,000.
But this is different.
This time, and on top of every other pressure our cash already has to face, there’s an exact deadline on the calendar. In a nutshell, it’s an event scheduled for Friday, September 30th.
By my best estimate, what’s coming will go down around 4 pm.
And when it does, you’ve got no idea yet how radically this could end up impacting your financial safety.
Not only could this event gut the U.S. stock market… and cannibalize your retirement savings… but it could ultimately END what we’ve come to know as the American way of life.
That’s why I’m contacting you today.
Not just to warn you, but so you can protect yourself.
If I’m right, everything around you could change.
And I’m certain I’m right.
In short, there is a new form of currency that’s about to flood the world economy. It’s not money for you. You’ll never get to withdraw it from an ATM, even if you travel overseas.
This new form of money is strictly created for the financial elite.
We call it “world money” because of what it could ultimately do -- and soon -- which is replace U.S. dollar reserves around the world.
That’s right -- this is as close to the end of “king dollar” as we’ve ever come.
Now, what does that mean exactly? After all, what do you care if the people in Asia, Europe or the Middle East suddenly decide the dollar no longer gets #1 status around the world?
As you’ll see, it means losing quite a lot.
And I’m not just talking about how you’ll pay a lot more for hotel rooms in Paris or London… or how you’d better get used to forking over $6 for a coffee on the Champs-Élysées.
Losing our #1 status means giving up a whole slew of benefits you never knew you had.
Benefits that, once they’re gone, could change the way you live forever…
- First I’ll show you what happens when central banks WORLDWIDE empty their vaults to make room for “world money”… and start shipping stacks of greenbacks back to the U.S.
- You’ll see just how easily this September event could push world stock markets off a cliff… and how governments and Wall Street will scramble to protect themselves, not you or other investors.
- You’ll see just how fast an event like this can gut your savings account… and hike up the prices you pay for everything, from fancy gadgets to basics like groceries and gasoline…
- Soon after this event, you’ll see just how quickly our global “credit card” will get cut off… and how that sends U.S. tax rates soaring, as D.C. scrambles for another source of cash.
- You’ll also see how this could crush government social programs, from Social Security to Medicare… and cut spending here at home on highways, bridges, and border security.
- I’ll show you what I saw in a Swiss gold vault… and what it reveals about how other countries, especially China, are doing to prepare for the coming dollar collapse.
Is this the monetary apocalypse? Not exactly.
In fact, it’s not even the first time we’ve had a currency implosion like the one I’m warning you about now. It’s happened three times just in the last century -- in 1914, 1939 and 1971.
What I am telling you though is that you will want to take steps to get ready.
In case you still doubt the accuracy of this September 30th date… or what’s about to replace the dollar… I’ve even got some smoking-gun proof.
It’s an actual 42-page blueprint… buried deep on the website of the world’s most powerful financial institution. This document lays out exactly how “world money” works.
Inside the document, it says:
“If there were political willingness to do so, these [“world money”] securities could constitute an embryo of global currency.”
The financial elites are saying this could be the “money” that replaces the dollar in central bank vaults the world over.
If you’ve got even a nickel in dollar-denominated wealth, you need to pay attention.
Because, make no mistake, the day “world money” fills that role… the value of the dollars in your bank account will plunge in value, virtually overnight.
Even though you’ll still have dollars in your bank account… and digital dollars piling up on your pay stub… they’ll have a fraction of the purchasing power you enjoy right now.
In short, our world is about to radically change -- and change quickly.
And it starts the day the U.S. dollar gives up its #1 status.
It’s really that simple.
You don’t need to be an economist or banker to understand why. All you’ll need to know, over the next few minutes, is what you personally have at stake.
More importantly, you need to know that you can protect yourself as all this unfolds.
I’ll show you three key moves you can make.
These three steps are the same kinds of moves I plan to take myself, to safeguard my own money and my own family.
None of them are complicated.
All of them could shelter you from the coming crisis.
The first shows you how to hedge your wealth against an immediate backslide in the dollar. At minimum, it’s a way to halt your savings from going to zero. At the outer reaches, there’s the potential for an extraordinary eight-to-one return.
Then I’ll show you how to avoid another 2008-level wipeout in the stock market. My risk models exposed the last bust over two years in advance. This time, they’re signaling an even bigger fall. But that doesn’t mean you have to hang on for the ride.
I’ll show you specific, household-name stocks that look especially toxic for the coming collapse. I can also show you how to make money even as Wall Street comes undone. In my own career, I’ve made gains on falling shares as high as 3,000%.
Finally, I can show you how to own a stake in “new money” itself, before it replaces the dollar and takes over the #1 slot as a world financial reserve. This would normally NOT be possible for most regular investors. However, I’ve found a completely original way for you to do it.
The bottom line is, you’re not helpless.
In other words, instead of doing nothing… instead of playing the victim, not only can you prepare for the coming collapse… and not only can you preserve your wealth… you can get richer too.
That’s what history’s wealthiest investors always figure out how to do.
It’s what I want to show you how to do now.
And once you’re ready, there’s more.
Including a simple formula for figuring out exactly how much gold you should buy to protect yourself, plus what kind of gold… where to buy it… and how to safely store it.
(Hint: You DON’T want to keep it at your local bank or in a safety deposit box.)
Also, there’s an extraordinary way you could lock up returns as high as 30 times your money, if this coming dollar collapse goes as deep as I expect. It’s all spelled out in just a moment.
But before we get to any of this, let me tell you a little bit more about where this is coming from… and why I’m in such a unique position to help you survive this new money crisis…
Who Am I To Say?
If you haven’t already seen me on the national news shows, you might know me from my two New York Times best-sellers, “Currency Wars” in 2011 and “The Death of Money” in 2014. Or, as I mentioned, my latest book - The New Case For Gold.
But it’s my work behind the scenes that gets me special access most others don’t get.
For instance, maybe you remember Long Term Capital Management, the giant hedge fund that blew up in the ’90s… and almost took down the entire world stock market. I was the lead attorney on that case, called in by the Fed to negotiate the bailout.
A few years later, the CIA called me in just after planes hit the Twin Towers in New York. They wanted me to help scan the markets for strange, big trades… like big bets on airline stocks.
We figured it would help us expose even more planned attacks.
In 2010, I did something similar for Scotland Yard. We used my risk models to uncover a terror plot in London, just days before it was about to happen.
And in 2009 , I got called in for a closed-door meeting at the Pentagon… to create and oversee their first ever “financial war game” simulation… to expose security weaknesses in U.S. banks.
In short, I’ve spent years now… cultivating the same risk analysis tools I’m going to apply for you today, in this presentation. And you’ll see exactly why I’m so alarmed about what’s ahead.
Alarm bells don’t usually ring as clearly as they’re ringing now.
You’ll need to understand the risks. You’ll want to know what to do to get ready. And you’ll want to do all of it well ahead of this end of September event. Otherwise, you could lose everything.
I’m in a unique position to help clarify that risk. I’m in an even better position to show you how to protect yourself and your family from the coming fallout.
And at exactly a time when most Americans are least ready.
In fact, I’ll bet you…
Not One American in 100,000 Has Any Clue What This Event Will Mean For Their Money
Why are so many Americans in the dark?
Unless you were born before 1944, there’s a good chance you’ve got no idea what it’s like to live in a world where the dollar wasn’t the world’s most powerful form of cash.
That status comes with huge benefits.
Benefits most Americans have no idea they enjoy.
Did you know, for instance, that 85% of all the transactions that take place between other countries… outside of the United States… take place in U.S. dollars?
Say China buys a dozen shipping containers full of French Bordeaux… they don’t pay with yuan or even euros. They pay with dollars.
If Canada imports a few hundred Honda Civics, they don’t pay with Canadian cash or Japanese yen. They also pay with U.S. dollars.
The same goes for England when they buy Saudi Oil… or Brazil when they import Swedish chocolate. As of right now, all that money gets transferred as dollars.
Because using one kind of money makes it easy. And dollars -- up until now -- have felt stable. That’s why dollars make up more than 60% of reserves in other countries’ central banks.
You might not know it, but we got a lot of perks as long as this remains true.
For instance:
- Dollar dominance is one reason you pay only $2 for a gallon of gas… while drivers in Italy fork over $6 per gallon… and they pay $7 a gallon in Oslo, Norway.
- It’s why China and Japan have lent us trillions of dollars… and why our government thinks they can just keep on borrowing that money forever, instead of getting their books in order.
- It’s why you still get a welcome mat when you whip out American money overseas… especially in countries that still cling to the idea that America’s got a stable economy.
The list goes on.
But what happens to those perks once the dollar’s top-dog status… just disappears?
Make No Mistake, You’ll Lose
Every One Of These Perks
When “world money” takes over, the first thing America loses is our #1 export. No, not cars from Detroit. Not shale oil from the fields of South Dakota. Not steel or movies or info technology.
As you read this, our #1 export… is the dollar itself.
That’s what we’re doing when we buy anything from overseas.
We offload tons of “stuff” from shipping containers… and send back hundreds of billions of dollars in return. That exchange only works while they still have faith in the greenback.
What happens when faith in the new “world money” takes over?
Again, simple.
Suddenly our VIP treatment goes away. We’ll have to line up for special deals and special access to markets, just like everybody else. And pay the same exchange fees for the privilege.
Translation: You’ll pay more. A lot more. For just about everything.
Here’s something else. Right now, more than 20 currencies also peg their money to the dollar. That means they keep their money strong by backing it with our money, parked in their reserves.
What happens when “world money” becomes the better option?
After September 30, bank vaults worldwide could opt to swap dollars for “world money.”
This could send a tidal wave of cash back to the U.S.
And you know what happens when there’s too much of anything.
It makes everything that’s there worth less.
Imagine paying twice what you pay now to buy a car, an iPhone, or gasoline. Companies that do business overseas could see every cost advantage vaporize. Will that bring jobs back home too?
Don’t count on it.
Because weaker dollars will make costs soar here too. You could see mass layoffs. Some companies will just shut their doors forever. They won’t have any other option.
Of course, that will slam the stock market.
As global investors flee, you could see stocks crash 50%… 60%… or more.
Meanwhile, what happens to the steady flow of borrowed dollars from China, India, and Japan? Nobody will want to get paid back in dollars. They’ll want “world money” instead.
You can imagine the shock and embarrassment, when a cashier takes your credit card and cuts it in half. Now imagine that happening on an international scale to the U.S. government…
When our politicians can’t borrow from overseas, they’ll have only two other options.
Either print the money… and risk even more inflation…
Or take it by theft, with Europe-style taxes.
Either way, you lose.
The Real Reason
“Savers” Still Die Broke
But maybe you’re asking… why now?
After all, hasn’t the dollar been dying for decades?
Yes, it has.
Take a look at this…
As you can see, our money has plunged a staggering 96%, starting with the day our Federal Reserve opened its doors. If you got that return from any other investment, you’d dump it.
And yet we’re used to this. We accept it. Of course, we tell ourselves, all prices go up.
It’s natural to pay $500,000 for a house that once sold for just $10,000…
It’s natural to fork over $40,000 in tuition… for a college that once cost $400 a year…
It’s normal to pay $5 for a Coke in a restaurant… or $60 for a ticket to a ball game.
Because that’s what paper money does.
It dies, over time.
In fact, did you know that there have been over 3,400 kinds of money that worked just like the dollar? That is, money that’s backed by nothing but the faith of the people who use it.
And guess what… every single one of them has failed.
On average, most didn’t last longer than 27 years. After 72 years on top, the dollar has already lasted for triple that lifespan. We’re lucky it’s still standing at all.
But how much longer can that last?
With a country as divided as ours… with our economy in shambles… and with pitiful leaders adding debt by the trillions… not long at all.
Even without the coming September event, the stars are lining up for a dollar collapse. What’s different this time is that -- for the first time in the dollar’s history -- we’ve got an actual deadline.
A date when it could all go down.
And believe me, I’m the first to tell you that I’m the lone wolf with this kind of warning.
Just look at how even the mainstream echo has started to echo a similar story. There’s are the actual headlines from the papers that even your typical mom-and-pop investor would follow…
Point being…
The “Fix” Is In For The Dollar
(And It HAS Been
For a Very Long Time)
In case you think this is the first time there’s been a global conspiracy against the U.S. dollar… and against the middle class Americans who earn, spend and save them… think again.
Take what happened in 1985. German, Japan, France and the UK got together and "whacked" the dollar so it would plunge an incredible 51% over the next two years…
You’ll never guess who orchestrated that crash.
Not the Germans. Not Japan or France. Not the UK.
It was our own Jim Baker, our Treasury Secretary at the time, in a closed-door deal called the Plaza Accord… after the swanky Manhattan hotel where it was signed.
Because even though you and I lose big when money gets destroyed, weak dollars are like rocket fuel for the political and financial elite.
They make everybody spend and feel rich. At least for a short time. And I’m sure you remember what happened next. U.S. stocks took off. Real estate took off. Wall Street ruled the world.
Then it all fell apart.
The dollar plunged so fast that we needed another closed-door deal to stop it. Wall Street plunged 22% in a single day. That’s like a 4,000-point drop in today’s market. In less than 24 hours.
In short…
This Isn’t The First Time
Global Elites Have Messed With
Your Financial Security
Behind Your Back
How can you be so sure this attack on your cash won’t stop?
Take a look at what happened just this past February 26:
In a backroom meeting during the G20 summit in China, world financial elite agreed to another deal to crush the dollar. My insider friends call it the "Shanghai Accord".
Put simply, the global monetary mafia sold out the dollar to give a boost to Wall Street traders… and the political elite in Washington, D.C. and Beijing.
Remember, cheap money is rocket fuel.
Unfortunately, just like rocket fuel, it burns out fast. To keep the party going, they’ll have to keep making the dollar weaker and weaker… until there’s nothing left.
That’s not easy when the dollar is supposed to be “safe” money for the rest of the world.
Which brings us to the last big move… away from dollar reserves and into “world money”… starting the day this new centralized, world currency gets released… on September 30.
Still Think Nobody Would Actually
PLAN To Crash The Dollar?
Here’s The “Smoking Gun…”
Buried seven layers deep… on the website of the International Monetary Fund, an organization that the Economist calls “the most powerful financial institution on earth”…
You’ll find the 42-page blueprint that lays out this entire plan. It’s titled “Enhancing International Monetary Stability” and it’s so packed with jargon, you can barely read it.
But it lays out -- in explicit detail -- how this move away from U.S. dollar reserves, and into this new form of “world money” could take place.
What could possibly make new “world money” more attractive than the dollar?
Consider, the IMF has 189 member countries. Many of them -- including Russia, China and France -- have said for years they would love to ditch their dependence on the dollar.
Meanwhile, the IMF looks like an oasis by comparison.
They’ve got no wars or no roads to pay for, no welfare moms, and no social security checks to write. And nothing close to the level of debt that we’ve got here in the U.S.
It’s world’s last clean balance sheet. And it’s the IMF that’s backing the release of “world money” come this fall. Make no mistake, this isn’t just a minor financial blip.
It’s the start of a new world order. With centralized money, a centralized market, even a centralized government. And the IMF -- not the Federal Reserve -- in charge of the purse.
You think Congress is bad? Imagine getting clearance from the IMF the next time we want to build a new fighter jet, fix our bridges, or bail out our banks…
Medicare and Social Security are a disaster. Obamacare is headed in the same direction. Can you imagine what happens when the IMF decides how to “fix” those budgets instead?
Because that’s where we’re headed.
As I said, these are the same kinds of steps I’m ready to take myself -- you should consider doing the same. Just make sure you do it soon, while you still can…
The World You’ll Wake Up To
On the First of October
Let’s be clear, on October 1st you’ll wake up just like any other day.
Traffic lights will still flash. Grocery stores will still take your money. Your ATM card will still work. Maybe you’ll notice a tick upward in the price of milk. But no big deal.
By the end of the week, maybe you’ll see the same happen at the gas station.
Everything will cost more to pick, ship or stock. Soon you’ll pay a little extra for apples at the fruit stand. At the coffee shop, they’ll tack another quarter on the price of a latte.
Online prices will go up when you buy anything tech, because all that’s imported. And it costs more to get it out for delivery. On Wall Street, all kinds of ledgers will start to ooze red.
The multi-nationals will get hit first.
And that’s where the crisis will accelerate…
As dollars lose clout, paying an overseas workforce will lose luster… sweetheart import deals will dry up… and so will international tax treaties… until “cheap” goods no longer exist for Americans.
With borders closing and prices soaring at home, companies will shutter their factories. Decades of job “gains” will vaporize.
On Wall Street, frustrated investors throw in the towel. In Washington, the Treasury holds a sale on U.S. debt -- and nobody shows up. Leaving no choice but to hike tax rates higher.
In short, the rules will get rewritten… right before your eyes.
Still think it’s impossible for the whole system to “reset” overnight?
Because it’s happened before.
Consider the clear-cut meltdown of 1914, just after a bullet felled Archduke Ferdinand. Before a single World War I soldier even hit the ground, the world financial markets imploded.
Bank runs seized over 50 countries. Stocks everywhere started to plunge. The Bank of England froze all withdrawals. And European exchanges halted all trading.
Even the NYSE closed down from July 30 to December 12.
That’s nearly five months with no access. What would you do if you couldn’t access your 401(k) statements for two months… a month… or even a week… as the financial world collapsed?
Keep in mind, all this happened when most countries still HAD the gold-standard backing their cash. And when there was no Internet or around the clock trading to help the crisis go “viral.”
Today we’ve got digital cash that can disappear with a mouse click. We’ve got 24-hour trading so the pressure never lets up. And we’ve got global banking, for a more massive tide of selling.
Imagine getting cut off -- not just from your retirement statements -- but from your day-to-day cash accounts, the way they did in Greece… with no money to cover even a few days at a time.
Imagine watching helplessly as your 401k goes to zero in a matter of hours… or imagine grocery stores with jammed checkout lines and empty shelves, as far as the eye can see…
Will I get another “emergency” call from the Fed, like they did in 1998? Will the CIA tap me in to look for market anomalies, the way they did after 9/11? Will I get a call from the Pentagon?
I really can’t say.
All I can tell you is I don’t want to wait to find out.
As I said, I’m taking three steps to protect my family and our money.
Let me show you what those steps are now…
Load Up On Real Gold
Before It Hits $10,000 an Ounce
This first step is pretty much a slam dunk -- you want to get gold.
As soon as you can, using a very simple formula to determine how much you should get.
I’ll show you this formula in just a second -- it works if you’ve got $5,000 or $5 million.
But first, let me just reassure you that you won’t be alone in making this move.
Take billionaire investor George Soros. Love him or hate him, he’s a master at getting rich during busts. And what’s he doing now? He just dumped a third of his U.S. stocks and staked $264 million on gold.
Then there’s billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller. He’s worth $4.4 billion. And his hedge fund has never had a down year. His career average return is 30% a year. That’s incredible.
So what’s he doing now? Druckenmiller also just told investors to “get out of the stock market” and get gold. Today it’s the biggest stake in his family fund -- with reportedly over $323 million in gold.
How about John Paulson, who made $4 billion betting against housing?
Most don’t know he made $5 billion more betting on gold in 2010 -- and now he’s got another $1.2 billion gold bet in place.
And here too, even the mainstream press is catching on…
You see where this is headed.
And here’s the thing. We’re already seeing gold shortages, as investors get ready.
Take a look at his alarming chart…
Recently I took a flight to Switzerland to visit one of the world’s biggest gold refiners.
Our host put me in a black SUV, had me turn in my cell phone, and took me into one of the most secure and secretive locations in the world – a large Swiss gold vault.
He told me about his vault operations and explained how the bars get stacked.
The newest gold bars are date-stamped and stacked by the door.
Older bars get stored in the back.
He says that orders are coming in so fast… and his suppliers have to go so deep into the vaults… that some of the bars coming out are date-stamped from the 1980s, during Reagan’s term.
What you see in front of me is about $20 million worth of gold bars, filmed live in a secret location in Switzerland… inside one of the largest gold vaults in the world.
Why go so deep into the stockpile?
For one, gold sales to China alone are up 700% since 2010.
Our refiner host told me that China’s daily orders are so big he actually has to limit their shipments. And it’s not just gold buying from the Swiss.
China’s also soaking up 40% of ALL the gold coming out of the ground.
What’s more, Beijing just bought a London vault that can hold 2,000 more tons of gold bullion.
Again, that’s just China.
Russia’s buying at record levels too.
As are other central banks around the globe.
What do they see coming that maybe you don’t?
Even worse, what happens if you wait too long – until there’s no gold left to get?
Gold’s already soaring, well ahead of the September 30.
You Have To Ask Yourself, How High Will Gold prices Go Once We Pass That Deadline?
Like I’ve said more times than I can count…
To viewers on the BBC, CNN, NPR, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox , and in interviews with the Wall Street Journal … and in my latest book, “The New Case For Gold”…
You could see gold prices soar as high as $10,000 an ounce.
How’s that possible? I lay out the exact details in The New Case For Gold . I’d like to send you a free copy so you can see for yourself.
The bottom line is that, if supplies are tight -- and I just showed you they are -- the price has to go up. After a dollar crash, they have to swell high enough to shore up our money supply.
At today’s level… and after years of non-stop money printing… $10,000 gold looks like the “safe” bet. As you’ll see in my book, some say it could go as high as $50,000.
Even at my number you’re looking at a seven-to-one jump… at 632% above today’s price.
How do you know what to buy? You could get 400-ounce gold bars. You could buy one kilo bars. Or you could do what makes the most sense for most people, which is to buy gold coins.
The U.S Mint sells American Buffaloes and American Gold Eagles. Both hold exactly an ounce of gold. But I like the Eagles, because they also have an added alloy for durability.
How much should you get? It’s a simple calculation.
I tell anybody who listens to take 10% of whatever they’ve got set aside, whether that’s $5,000 or $5 million and put that in physical gold. That’s enough to build a foundation.
As good as that is, there’s still more.
Like the one investment many will turn to when they get cut off from physical gold, during the coming shortages. Plus, how to lock in your on claim on royalties from rising gold sales.
Or the five easy places to park your wealth, away from the political fray… with even greater protection than gold, when it comes to potential government wealth confiscation.
And how to lock in gold and silver ownership for tomorrow at a low fixed price. It’s like getting a special “call option” on the rising price of gold and silver with a long-haul expiration date.
Plus, income streams with a built in hedge against a crashing dollar. As cash unravels, these income streams should go up. You can own a percentage stake as they do.
You can find all these moves in a special bonus chapter of my book, The New Case For Gold.
You won’t get this special chapter from the copies they sell in bookstores or on
But my publisher can send you my special edition -- with the bonus chapter included -- absolutely free. It could be the most valuable gift you’ve ever received.
I expect these five bonus moves alone to show you at least a double… and that’s even if gold only rises another 15% above today’s price. Two of the moves could triple or quadruple from here.
If we see the full collapse I expect, you could see an extraordinary 30-to-1 return.
You’ll see how in your special edition copy of “The New Case For Gold.”
If you accept the terms, my publisher will give you a free copy.
- On page 169 , you’ll find out about the super-secret, portable asset that’s just as good as gold at storing value. It’s not silver, platinum or any other precious metal. And yet, rich families have used it for centuries. Billionaires like Bill Gates and hedge fund giant Steve Cohen are using it right now, with millions invested in this asset.
- I explain why storing your gold at home could be a huge mistake. You don’t want to trust banks or storage units either. The safest option for regular gold holders is the one I name on page 154.
- On page 165 I reveal the #1 gold-buying mistake investors make. You should never EVER buy gold this way… or you’ll put your finances and yourself at serious risk.
- Page 154 shows you the single best way to avoid gold confiscation, even if you never store an ounce overseas. This is ultra-secure U.S.-based storage that’s still outside our banking system.
You’ll also see why today’s digital money poses a special NEW threat… as the final phase in a hundred-year “plot” to confiscate private wealth.
Plus, I show you the 5 “must-have” requirements you want to demand from any gold storage provider… and the single best way to avoid getting your gold confiscated…
I can also show you how to counter the six phony arguments against gold… and a foolproof way to prevent your bank from withholding your cash, when the crisis hits the fan.
Normally, my new book would cost you $25 in a bookstore. Or you could pay $16 on Amazon. As I said -- and with your permission -- I want you to have a copy, absolutely free.
All I need is a valid mailing address here in the U.S.
I’ll get my publisher to put your copy in the mail immediately.
We’ll cover any shipping costs too. That way, you get a great resource… without any risk for yourself. As we get closer to September, I think you’ll find it’s an extremely valuable resource.
But I’ll let the reviews speak for themselves…
“[Rickards] present[s] compelling evidence that many of the world’s leading monetary authorities implicitly, at least, treat gold as — quite possibly in the future, the key — money.”
—Forbes“The New Case for Gold reminds us that wayward policies bring about a search for money that is good as gold. What better than gold itself?”
—Wall Street Journal“This excellent book proves that, contrary to the propaganda of fiat currency apologists, gold is real money. Rickards makes a compelling case for why those looking for a way to protect themselves and their families from economic chaos created by central bankers should consider gold.”
—Ron Paul, former Congressman and Presidential candidate“In his latest book, James Rickards gifts us once again with his clarity of prose, depth of experience and sound analysis. The New Case for Gold discards tired and politically driven criticisms of gold, instead offering an illuminating, original argument for gold as a critical contender in today's money games. The most important book on gold yet.”
—Nomi Prins, author of All The Presidents’ Bankers“We can’t trust the Federal Reserve to do the honest work that Jim Rickards has done in writing this book. When the monetary system finally fails, there will be a flight to the only money that’s left in the system—and that will be gold. Essential reading.”
—David A. Stockman, Former OMB Director and author of The Great Deformation
The one thing you DON’T want to do is wait too long.
Consider, even if the biggest gold-buying institutions went from a 1.5% gold allocation to a 5% gold allocation… which is still lower than what I recommend…
There’s already not enough gold to meet that demand, at today’s prices.
And believe me, many of the insiders I know have got their eyes locked on the exact same September 30th deadline. You do not want to get short once demand really takes off.
All the proof you need… plus all the steps you’ll want to take… are laid out in your free copy of my book. Let me hear from you while I’ve still got copies I can give away.
Once you do, there’s another step you’ll want to take -- as soon as possible.
Get Out Ahead of the
Collapsing Market
In a widespread collapse, it’s only natural for millions of investors to get completely taken by surprise. Usually, there’s no clear alarm bell going off. Usually, there’s no calendar deadline.
Even I could have missed the signals in 2008, if I hadn’t spent years developing my risk models and other tools. I could have lost a fortune on the crash of the dotcoms in 2000.
Instead I was able to use a special trading tool I developed to pick up 3,000% on the spectacular crash of WorldCom, the now-defunct telecom giant.
In 1998, I was one of the few who knew how close we came to a global shutdown for stock markets… but only because I had a ringside seat, as lead attorney for the LTCM bailout.
My point being, even when you know what you’re doing… a full-on stock market wipeout can take you by surprise. And we’re seeing these megabusts, on average, every five to eight years.
We’re now eight years out from the last major downturn.
Meanwhile, these global monetary busts come around every 30 to 40 years. And guess what… we’re already out 45 years from the last major money collapse, in 1971.
Today, with even more debt on the table… even more derivatives lurking in the shadows… and even bigger “too-big-to-fail” banks than the last time around… does that feel safe to you?
My risk models say dollar-based savings accounts and money markets alone could shed up to 80%of their purchasing power. And your stocks could plunge 70%.
In fact, one in every two IRAs could go up in flames.
That’s why you need to be absolutely sure you’re as prepared as I plan to be.
To help you do that I’ve got two more resources to send.
You can also have them for free.
The first one is called One Stock to Buy and 50 Ticking Time Bombs to Avoid.
It’s going to show you at least 50 stocks you’ll want to be free and clear of, once the latest bubble on Wall Street comes crashing down.
I expect this to happen soon after the September deadline.
But it could happen earlier.
When it does, these 50 stocks will likely lose half their value or more.
At a bare minimum, I recommend you check to make sure you’re not exposed to any of these 50 names. If you’re a more sophisticated investor, you might even want to short them.
Even one of these shares in your portfolio is like holding a grenade without the pin.
At the same time you’ll want to own the one must-buy I name in the same report.
It gives you a claim on special “streaming contracts” to buy gold for as little as $400 an ounce… and silver as low as $4 an ounce. These deals are already locked into place, which could send these shares skyrocketing as metals price start to soar.
As bad as things could get, the good news is that some of the biggest fortunes have been made during downturns. Think of people like oil man J. Paul Getty, who bought depressed oil stocks during the Great Depression. He made so much money, Fortune named him the “richest living American” in 1957.
Or George Soros, who made $1.5 billion in a month on a crash of the English pound… and John Paulson who, as we said, made $4 billion during the mega market crash of 2008… That’s why I also want to send you another one of my books… my 263-page work, The Big Drop. It shows you exactly how to get your money to safety.
When we first released it -- in a limited edition -- you couldn’t get it on Amazon or in any bookstore. It was so popular, my publisher begged me to update it. This is the result.
Nobody has seen this new version. You’ll be the first.
Inside, you’ll get a brand new blueprint for how to save and grow more of your wealth… during what could be the biggest financial crisis that Wall Street or America has ever faced.
- What to do NOW if you’ve got a huge portfolio of stocks -- this could save your bacon if you take this step before there’s a 3,000 to 4,000 point drop.
- The fastest way to judge the true safety of your bank. If you do any digital banking at all, please read this.)
- The U.S. government’s shady plan for paying off debt… by simply deducting the money from your bank account every month.
- And much more.
Plus, this book also comes with a special legacy chapter you can’t get anywhere else.
It shows you …
- An easy way to make 80% as market indexes collapse. During the last bust, this same investment shot up 75%… as the S&P shed about half its value. This time around, it should soar even higher.
- An “insurance investment” that could jump 500% during the crisis. This company went public in December 2007, right before all hell broke loose. Yet while the S&P was losing half its value, investors in this unique company doubled their money. Overall it’s up over 250% since it started trading and Jim expects it to perform even better during the collapse.
- Why you should NOT worry about whether we will have inflation or deflation (and what to do instead that will safeguard your money—and earn a nice return—no matter what happens).
That’s just a glimpse.
Again, this second book I’ll send is called “The Big Drop”.
Between that and my report on the top 50 toxic stocks, you should have more than enough to help you escape the massive losses I see ahead.
That alone could be worth thousands of dollars to regular savers and investors.
But The Big Drop is also yours free.
It’s worth it to me if I can help you protect more of your money from scheming banks… manipulative government planners… and dishonest money advisors.
And then, once you’ve protected what you’ve got… there’s one more step.
I don’t know a single soul out there that’s figured out how to do what I’ll show you now.
In short, this is the ONLY way in the world for you to hedge your wealth against the arrival of “world money”… by letting you shift some of your own dollars into the new elite asset.
Get Your Own “World Money”
While You Can
As I said, right now there is no official way for you to own “world money” before it gets released on September 30th. As it stands right now, this new cash is ONLY for the financial elite.
And yet, once this new form of global money takes over as the world’s top form of cash… it also becomes a potentially huge hedge against the downward spiral of the dollar.
And I firmly believe it’s only a matter of time before this takes place.
- The Economist has been predicting the arrival of a new kind of “world currency” going all the way back to 1988… and even then they said it would arrive by 2018. Here it comes, on schedule.
- Every day, over $5 trillion worth of money changes hands worldwide How fast would those buyers and sellers switch to a single centralized “world money” to ease those transactions?
- Meanwhile, at least 23 countries -- including Germany, France, and the UK -- have already set up banking “swap lines” to help ease their transition away from the dollar. Coincidence?
In short, the rest of the world is already getting ready for the switch to “world money.”
Shouldn’t you be?
Like I said, you can’t officially own this new kind of “world money” yourself. Even after it goes live on September 30.
However, I’ve put together a way to own an “unofficial” stake in its future.
Not only is this “unofficial” way perfectly legal, it’s the ONLY way I know of for any private citizen to get access. And you don’t have to wait for the September deadline.
You can get into place right now, with a few clicks of your mouse.
As you read this, I happen to have the only private link in the world that will get you in.
I’d love to lay it all out for you here, but it’s worth going into more detail.
That’s why I’ve written it all up for you instead, in another brand new report called “The Only Way to ‘Own’ the New World Money.”
Inside it shows you exactly how this works.
It’s nothing super risky, like trading Forex.
Instead, it’s a little-known kind of account that gives you an advance stake in the rise of “new money” bank reserves. This is the single easiest way I know of for you to do this.
It’s also the ONLY way, if you’re not one of a handful of world financial elite.
You don’t need to be wealthy to make this work. All you need is the private web link that gets you started. Only a tiny number of people in the world happen to have it. I’m one of them.
Once I share it, you’ll have access too.
I don’t get a commission or anything for sharing it with you. Even still, I’ll show you exactly how to set up this special “world money” account, for maximum exposure to any gains.
After that, you can rebalance your assets in this account however and whenever you see fit. There are no money managers involved.
You’ll have complete control of this special “world money” account.
And I’ll have the complete satisfaction of knowing you’re ready to preserve your wealth -- and possibly collect a fat double-digit return -- ahead of the “world money” deadline.
It’s that simple.
The private link will give you access. I’ll give it to you… and explain how to use it… in your free copy of this additional bonus report, “The Only Way to ‘Own’ the New World Money.”
Altogether that gives you three powerful ways to protect yourself.
You’re getting a way to get OUT of the dollar before it crashes… to get OUT of the most dangerous U.S. stocks before the latest market bubble bursts… and to get INTO this unique “world money” hedge ahead of other investors… plus, the wealth protection of physical gold.
And all before the September 30th “D-Day” deadline.
To sum that up…
- You’ll get a free copy of my new book, The New Case For Gold.
- You’ll get the “legacy chapter” for my book that you cannot get via bookstores or Amazon.
- You’ll also get a second free book, my fully updated edition of The Big Drop.
- I’ll rush you “One Stock to Buy and 50 Ticking Time Bombs to Avoid” so you’ll know which shares to dump immediately… and what to own instead.
- You’ll also get my new free report, “The Only Way to Own the New World Money” , which lays out the only way for private citizens to get access to this new currency… before it goes live.
That’s a lot of my best research. And I’m offering to give it to you right now, for free. No questions asked and yours to keep. Why would I want to do that, sight unseen?
Because I want something very significant from you in return. I’d like your permission to start sending you the rest of my research, in a service called Jim Rickard’s Strategic Intelligence.
See, I believe you’ll need more than just a few short-term ideas. Because this new “world money” isn’t the only looming threat to your wealth.
Debt. Negative Interest Rates. Instability in China and the EU. Political incompetence, both here at home and around the globe. This is a long-haul shift.
That’s why I want to build a long-term, quality relationship with the readers like you.
People who will take the research I want to give you… and put it to good use.
Again, I’m not a broker. I’m not looking to build my list of private clients.
I just know what it’s like to lose everything. And I know what it takes to prevent that from happening again.
See, I grew up in a family that had to claw its way out of bankruptcy -- twice.
Today I’m lucky enough to split my time between a luxury mountain home in the Northeast… a house on a private island in an upscale town in Connecticut… and visits to gold vaults in Zurich.
That’s not an accident.
I’ve dedicated the last 35 years of my career, building a research network and establishing the right kinds of connections. I’ve met with Nobel Prize winners and two former heads of the Federal Reserve. I’ve worked alongside billionaire investors and counseled Prime Ministers.
I’m not stuck behind a Bloomberg terminal in a Wall Street brokerage. I get to sit on the front lines, where the moves that shape markets get made. As a geopolitical consultant I get to meet the movers and shakers… and get a read on what’s really coming down the pipeline.
I don’t want to lose that.
I don’t want any other Americans to risk losing what they have either.
That’s why I want you to have so much of my research for free. It’s also why I’m asking you now to accept this simple one year trial subscription to my research letter, Strategic Intelligence.
It’s not expensive.
Even though I share a lot of the same tools and ideas that I’ve gotten paid to develop for the CIA and the Pentagon, rich American families, and top Wall Street firms… and the same research.
Simply agree, and over the next 12 months, my team and I will be in your corner… alerting you to new risks, debunking lies from the “monetary mafia” that controls world markets… and much more.
Mostly what I’ll do is show how to keep more of what you’ve got… and gain new wealth too… even as the status quo gets turned completely upside down, over the months ahead.
You’ll get updates from me and the team, every third week of every month.
You’ll also get the reports we talked about… my two books, The New Case For Gold and your updated special edition of The Big Drop …. and full private access to the member website.
This should be more than enough to protect and grow your money over the rough years ahead.
Look, I don’t need your money.
I’ve already made my fortune.
But like I said, I don’t want anyone to suffer the way my parents did. They were good, hard working people. And their two brushes with financial ruin nearly destroyed them.
If they’d only understood the risks they were facing, that might never have happened.
If I can give you the chance they didn’t have, by helping you understand the coming bust and how to protect yourself… then it’s more than worth the cost and time it takes me to put all this together.
I can’t give all of it away.
But I’m only asking you to pay just $49 for the full year.
That’s just enough to cover my publisher’s expenses. And again, that’s a trial price. You can get it all back if you change your mind.
Along with your trial, you’ll get the two free books -- worth more than your trial fee, all by themselves. Plus you’ll get my free report on the ONLY way for regular investors to access “world money” gains… and your bonus “legacy” chapter, not available anywhere else.
What’s all that worth to you personally?
I can’t really say.
Depending on how much carnage lies ahead, it could be worth everything.
But just to be safe, here’s something else I want you to have.
Here’s One MORE Date
You Can Circle On Your Calendar
September 12, 2016
While events like these loom, the market won’t sit idle.
That’s why I also want to invite you to join me every month for a special video intelligence briefingbetween issues. Especially now, just ahead of the “world money” release.
I’ll walk you through the unfolding currency war… I’ll tell you exactly what I’ve heard from the Fed and how it could shape our wealth protection plan… you’ll also hear from behind the scenes.
During the video call, I can’t cover your personal financial details… but I’ll take time to answer the most frequently asked questions and to share all my newest findings with all my viewers just to make sure you’re ready for anything, as we get closer to the date.
Again, keep in mind, I’ve charged as much as $15,000 to share these kinds of insights in seminars and private investment conferences in the past.
I’ve decoded events like this for the CIA.
I’ve even worked as a paid advisor for the Pentagon.
But you won’t pay for these live, inter-issue briefings the way they did. In fact you won’t pay to attend my live briefings at all. They’ll be fully included with your trial membership invitation.
My next live video briefing will happen on September 12, 2016-- whether you’re there or not.
I don’t want you to miss it.
As I said, our special “world money ownership” idea alone could show you a fat double-digit return between now and October. I’ll keep you up-to-speed on gold developments too.
But you have to be in your seat on September 12, 2016 if you don’t want to miss out.
After the deadline, you’ll keep getting members-only invites for even more video briefings each month… so you’ll always be ahead of the headlines and big shifts for the market.
These briefings are included at no extra charge.
I think you’ll agree, that adds up to a pretty good deal. You’ll have everything you need to safely weather the storm ahead. You’ll begetting plenty of chances to grow your wealth too.
But there’s still one more thing…
What if you could own gold with a “safety net.”
That is, what if you could own both sides of the gold trade? On the one side, you’re covered even if gold tanks for the next 18 months. On the other, you could make up to 1,233% if it goes up.
Because I’ve got a way you could do just that.
To be clear, it’s not for everybody.
And I call it a “safety net” because you’ve got a chance to see gains regardless of whether gold goes up or down. But there actually is risk, if it doesn’t pan out at all. No investment is guaranteed.
However we put this strategy through the paces on a dozen more likely scenarios. The potential profit ranges from nice to obscene.
In one more extra gift report, I spell out how it works. Including how you could see between 133% to 289% on the lower end… or sit tight for extraordinary gains as high as 1,233%.
And that’s if gold soars to only half of what I predict.
If hits $10,000 an ounce… and it could… get ready for an even bigger return.
The way I see it, you’re covered no matter what…
And for all that, you’re paying less than 14 cents a day.
All you need to do is click the “Reserve Now” button below to get started.
You’ll get your reports immediately. Your copy of my book will arrive within days. My monthlyStrategic Intelligence briefings will follow close behind.
You’ve got the full year to decide if it’s for you.
If you decide to cancel, keep everything I’ll send -- even both free copies of my two books and all the reports I’ve promised to include.
There’s a friendly on-site customer service team you can call, using the number you’ll get when you click the button below.
When you click the “Reserve Now” button, you’ll go to a secure page where you can review all the details. You’ll also have a space to tell me where to send your free book.
Don’t worry -- you don’t commit to anything when you click the button.
You’ll have plenty of time to tell me you’re ready.
But I can’t send you your free copy of my new book, The New Case For Gold … or anything else I promised… until I hear from you.
Let me know as soon as possible.
Jim Rickards
Editor, Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence
July 2016
P.S. The way I see it, you have a three options.
Either you cross your fingers and sit out the September 30th “deadline”, hoping the status quo for the dollar (and for the bloated U.S. stock market) is nowhere near as dire as I say it is…
Just ignore everything I just revealed. Pretend it doesn’t exist. I’ll send your free copy of The New Case For Gold… and everything we talked about… to someone else.
Or you could let me show you what to do right now… while you still have time. I’ll rush you everything… so you can start protecting and growing your wealth immediately.
That includes your first trial issues, your instant market updates, your free copies of The New Case For Gold and The Big Drop … plus all the other wealth-protection research we talked about. That way you’re ready now… instead of wishing you’d taken action down the road.
What’s your third option?
Well, you could always wait to see what happens when Hillary… or Trump… takes the White House. Who knows, maybe they’ve got an answer you and I haven’t thought of.
Personally, I doubt it. And I certainly wouldn’t bank my future on it.
If you’ve got no interest in knowing how to hedge your wealth now… against a dollar bust… against a market collapse… and against all the other bad outcomes I see in my risk models…
Then I completely understand if we part ways right now.
On the other hand, I could just as easily rush you everything immediately… so you can start protecting and growing your wealth today. The choice is up to you.
Again, let’s make this perfectly clear:
As of September 30, you could see hundreds of billions in wealth start changing hands. It could begin overnight. And the smart money is already taking steps to protect themselves.
If you care anything about your financial future or your family, you should take steps too.
Click “Reserve Now” below and I’ll show you how…
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